Welcome to SIA(simple instruction architecture) explorer. This is an online version of an assembler and VM for SIA written in C, but ported online using Web Assembly. You can find the source on my Github. This version corresponds to the version of SIA used in Spring 2020, however it should be noted that the SIA standard, opcodes and all, changes on a yearly basis. Unfortunately, I've lost the Spring 2020 SIA reference document, so the only way to get a full list of instructions is to look at the assembler code on the GitHub. If I obtain a copy in the future I will link it here. I have managed to locate a 2018 standard, with slightly different opcodes and instructions that can be found here.
The default program displayed computes the first 20 fibonachi sequence numbers and pushes them onto the stack. Interrupts are printed the the page JS console which can be displayed with F12. It should also be noted that resizing your screen will break highlighting, if this happens, please reload the page.